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Cheapest place to find fallout 4 steam key

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The Perfect Storm is unlocked by completing a quest found in Wavy Willard's Water Park. Perfect Storm (10mm Automatic Pistol): The Perfect Storm is a unique 10mm SMG with a folded stock and large flash suppressor that causes 24 points of burn damage for three seconds after each shot, which makes it very powerful. Paddle Ball (Exotic): Purchase it from the Prize Shop in Camden Park in the Ash Heap region. The Nailer buffs damage more the lower your HP. Nailer (One Handed Melee): Successfully complete the "One Violent Night" quest. The Meteoric Sword gives +10% Damage to Humans, -90% Weight, and +50% Durability. Meteoric Sword (One Handed Melee): Successfully complete the "Lode Baring" event. Then, listen to the "Blade Of Bastet" holotape to begin. To start this quest, join the Order Of Mysteries faction in Riverside Manor, near Charleston. Grant's Saber (One Handed Melee): Successfully complete the "Forging A Legend" quest.

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The Bunker Buster gives +20% Damage.Ĭamden Wacker (One Handed Melee): Purchase it from the Prize Shop in Camden Park in the Ash Heap region.ĭaisy Cutter (Heavy Weapon, Explosive): Successfully complete the "Organic Panic" quest. Get credentials to enter from the Abandoned Toxic Waste Dump in the Mire - get the Senator's holotape. To start this quest, join the Enclave in Whitespring Resort. The Blade Of Bastet gives bonus weapon penetration.īunker Buster (Heavy Weapon, Explosive): Successfully complete the "One Of Us" quest.

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The Black Diamond gives +1 Strength.īlade Of Bastet (One-Handed Melee): Successfully complete the "Forging A Legend" quest. To start this quest, talk to Rose on the top floor at the Top Of The World ski resort in the center of the map. The Anti-Scorched Training Pistol gives +25% Damage to Scorched, -20% Damage to everything else.īlack Diamond (One-Handed Melee): Successfully complete the "Flavors Of Mayhem" quest. To start this quest, go to the Charleston Fire Department, and join the Fire Breathers to begin. The All Rise gives +10% HP and -90% Weight.Īncient Blade (One-Handed Melee): Successfully complete the "Breach And Clear" event.Īnti-Scorched Training Pistol (10mm Automatic Pistol): Successfully complete the "Into The Fire" quest. To start this quest, go to the Watoga Municipal Center, and access the computer in the Mayor's Office. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding unique (legendary) weapon:Īll Rise (Two-Handed Melee): Successfully complete the "Mayor For A Day" quest.

Cheapest place to find fallout 4 steam key